Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Memoriam: A Scientist and Statesman You Should All Know

Today we join the family, friends and colleagues around the world in celebrating the life and passing of one of the world’s most compassionate scientist statesman – Dr. Naoyoshi Suzuki. Born in 1931, Dr. Suzuki spent his life working to enhance the well-being of humanity through unprecedented, humble pursuit of scientific excellence specializing in protozoan diseases and their detection and treatment. For over 16 years, Dr. Suzuki was a dear friend and collaborator to M∙CAM and its predecessor companies Mosaic Technologies Inc. and IDEAmed. Through a collaboration with the Hakuju Institute for Health Sciences in Tokyo and MariCal in Portland Maine, he assisted in the development of basic scientific understanding of the regulation of calcium at cell membranes – research that has already contributed to improvements in pain management, fisheries productivity, and cancer kinetics. While his scientific contributions were legion, his role as a statesman was even greater. Championing the importance of international technology transfer and collaboration was particularly poignant in his life as his family had suffered the constraints imposed by the national dishonor, including technology transfer restrictions, imposed by the Allies on September 2, 1945 on board the USS Missouri. Without Dr. Suzuki’s tireless efforts and ceaseless enthusiasm, M∙CAM’s pioneering work in international technology transfer and financing would not have achieved its global status and success. From his gentle teachings of Bushido to his warm embrace of his “foreign friend”, we all are indebted to the life of Dr. Suzuki.

When the stories of success are told in the enterprises that I've had any hand in starting, they should always whisper gratitude for this great man. His inspiration and dedication to the intersection of science, industry, and the public good fueled my passion for close to two decades and his spirit will continue to live on in all that we do and conspire to do.

Rest well dear friend. You have given us so much and for that, we are in your debt.

Let but a prince cultivate virtue, people will flock to him; with people will come to him lands; lands will bring forth for him wealth; wealth will give him the benefit of right uses. Virtue is the root, and wealth the outcome. – Confucius

1 comment:

  1. David, This is a beautiful tribute and if someone with your virtue gives Dr. Suzuki such high accolades, then his life and work continues to be meaningful!


Thank you for your comment. I look forward to considering this in the expanding dialogue. Dave