Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering a Day in September

On this day, the lives of many around the world still hold the fresh memories of unspeakable tragedy and loss. On this day, those who contributed to the events leading up, and subsequent to the tenth anniversary we mark continue to operate without public accountability or any consequence for the humanity that they took for granted, take for granted, and callously continue to exploit and deny. And, as long as their actions go anonymously by in the macabre parade of carnage in insensitivity, We The People continue to await the next predation which will, once again, rob us of vitality, purpose, and a sense of a productive future.

My tribute to these families is embodied in the dedication to my freshly published first novel, Coup d’ Twelve: The Enterprise that Bought the Presidency. In its pages, I trust that you find stories, warnings, points of illumination and a vision for the deep need for all of us to call for light where darkness continues to prey on the lives and fears of millions. Inspired by its premise, I trust that a few of us will begin to call for accountability before the next scene is acted out on their macabre stage.

The dedication page reads:

Dedicated to
My Lady
Spud & Zuke
The families and memories of those who have suffered and died in the stories rendered herein. That they neither died in vain nor suffer for the clandestine interests of those who breach their public duty.

Enjoy the journey at...


  1. The "blue pill" needs to go somewhere if you click on it. I've read the first two chapters and it seems that it will be an interesting read; I really enjoy conspiracy theories.

  2. That's the point. If you click on the blue pill, you get to stay PRECISELY where we are!


Thank you for your comment. I look forward to considering this in the expanding dialogue. Dave