Thursday, July 2, 2020

Requiem to a Nation Sold to the Highest Bidder


On April 22, 2020, I provided the evidence that our current “SARS coronavirus pandemic” and the set of symptoms branded “COVID-19” were the direct consequence of illegal actions coordinated through the United States Department of Health and Human Services and their primary conspiring entities – the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (“NIAID” headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  My evidence and complaint was submitted to the Office of the Inspector General on April 23, 2020 and to the U.S. Department of Justice COVID legal team identified by U.S. Attorney General William Barr coordinated by U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Matthew Schneider and Assistant Attorney for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband.  None of the aforementioned and none of the myriad of attorneys with whom I’ve spoken about the heinous abuse of public trust have had the courage to stand up for We The People.

Having indicated that this death knell to the U.S. economic engine driven by small businesses was the result of a criminal conspiracy then, it was with inevitable resolve that I awaited Daniel O’Day’s final act – his justification for charging $2,340 per patient for the Department of Health and Human Services’ collusive priced remdesivir.  He delivered the blow with brutal honesty.  He didn’t lie about the cost of R&D (paid for by the U.S. taxpayer).  He didn’t lie about the laborious clinical trials (done with COMPLETE exemption from liability courtesy of the U.S. FDA's Emergency Use Authorization provided in February for SARS CoV-2 interventions).  He simply stated that, in collusion with the compound’s inventors (the Department of Health and Human Services) the company established a price that was considerably less than the 4-5 days of hospitalization that their drug might, in certain random instances, reduce.  His letter on June 29, 2020 is the coup de grĂ¢ce in the chain of evidence that began in 2003 and ended with the Pandemic Depression of 2020.  And for your edification, the letter is referenced here:

Gilead Sciences – a donor to California Governor Gavin Newsom; California domiciled biotech; darling of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID; accused patent thief; and so much more – has finally succeeded in doing what Dr. Fauci and the SARS coronavirus co-conspirators never could have pulled off without the national meltdown by State of Emergency.  Under the orchestration of the dishonorable lawyer, turned lobbyist, turned Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M Azar II, with President Trump’s reckless confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci to willfully lie to and terrorize the U.S. population, and with Governor Gavin Newsom insisting that the largest economy in the country and 5th largest economy in the world should be sacrificed on the altar of the industrial pharmaceutical industry’s macabre obsession with fear and blood-thirsty greed, Gilead now reaps the spoils of what was the Great American Experiment.

As the rest of the world watches Johns Hopkins University data race with ever more positive bullshit tests peddled by none other than the co-conspiring CDC (and their patented restriction on RT-PCR that did not restrain the rest of the world but made independence impossible in the United States), whole countries fail to match in the entire “pandemic” one day of testing in the lands of Newsom, Northam, Wolf, and Cuomo.  Why?  Well, as I showed in April, when you control the means of establishing the narrative, when you report that this virus doesn’t instill sufficient fear to justify financial aspirations for pharmaceutical intervention, and when you restrict independent testing data that demonstrates that SARS CoV-2 like strains have probably been circulating long before December 2019, you get to maintain control of the narrative.  And PROFIT from it.

Never mind the fact that in over half of the patients subjected to Dr. Fauci’s wonder drug generously offered to the world, serious adverse events cast a shadow on whether the few days of decreased hospitalization were worth the risk.

Prof Simon Maxwell, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Prescribing, University of Edinburgh, said:
 “The research is interesting but doesn’t prove anything at this point: the data are from a small and uncontrolled study. Remdesivir is currently being assessed in large scale clinical studies, which will be critical in determining whether it is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. This is not least because there were some adverse events (60%) reported in the current study, some of them serious (23%), including multiple organ failure, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension.”

But never mind this.  The lobbying industry that put Alex Azar into his role in Trump’s administration of criminal co-conspirators has its win.  And it only cost us our country.

Oh, and as of the date of this publication, NO attorney, NO Department of Justice official, and NO judge has had the moral or ethical spine to take this matter on.  So, if you’re holding your breath for Q, a Kennedy, or a savior, don’t.  Breathlessness is a symptom of COVID-19 and you’ll just add to the body count.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

COVID-19 Anti-Trust Argument


Some of this information was submitted to the Office of the Inspector General for the United States Department of Health and Human Services on April 22, 2020

Request for Investigation - Possible Sherman Act Violation

 Citizens of the United States of America


United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Robert R Redfield, et al.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Anthony Stephen Fauci, et al.
Governors of All States Issuing Executive Orders abridging the 1st Amendment of the Constitution
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Professor Ralph Baric, et al.
And unknown Parties

On April 25, 2003, the United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter, “CDC”) filed an application for a United States patent (Application Number US46592703P, subsequently issued as U.S. Patent 7,776,521 and U.S. Patent 7,220,852) entitled “Coronavirus isolated from humans”.  Claim 3 –A method of detecting a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample…; and, Claim 4 - A kit for detecting a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample…, provided the CDC with a statutory market exclusion right the detection of and sampling for severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV).  Securing this right afforded the CDC exclusive right to research, commercially exploit, or block others from conducting activities involving SARS-CoV. On September 24, 2018, the CDC failed to pay the required maintenance fees on this patent and their rights expired.

From April 2003 until September 2018, the CDC owned SARS-CoV, its ability to be detected and the ability to manufacture kits for its assessment. During this 15-year period, the effect of the grant of this right – ruled unconstitutional in 2013 by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology et al. v. Myriad Genetics – meant that the commercial exploitation of any research or commercial activity in the United States involving SARS-CoV would constitute an infringement of CDC’s illegal patent.

It appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material was illegal, the CDC and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases led by Anthony Fauci (hereinafter “NIAID” and "Dr Fauci", respectively) entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with Ecohealth Alliance Inc.) and with foreign nations (specifically, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences) through the 2014 et seq National Institutes of Health Grant R01AI110964 to exploit their patent rights. 

It further appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material were illegal, the CDC and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (hereinafter “NIAID”) entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and with foreign nations (specifically, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences represented by Zheng-Li Shi) through U19AI109761 (Ralph S. Baric), U19AI107810 (Ralph S. Baric), and National Natural Science Foundation of China Award 81290341 (Zheng-Li Shi) et al.

It further appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material was illegal, the CDC and NIAID entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and with foreign nations to conduct chimeric construction of novel coronavirus material with specific virulence properties prior to, during, and following the determination made by the National Institutes for Health in October 17, 2014 that this work was not sufficiently understood for its biosecurity and safety standards.

In this inquiry, it is presumed that the CDC and its associates were: a) fully aware of the work being performed using their patented technology; b) entered into explicit or implicit agreements including licensing, or other consideration; and, c) willfully engaged one or more foreign interests to carry forward the exploitation of their proprietary technology when the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that such patents were illegal and when the National Institutes of Health issued a moratorium on such research.

The aforementioned items appear to constitute, “contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy,” as defined under 15 US Code § 1.

Under 15 U.S. Code § 1 (the Sherman Antitrust Act) Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be illegal shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.

Reportedly, in January 2018, the U.S. Embassy in China sent investigators to Wuhan Institute of Virology and found that, “During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.” The Washington Post reported that this information was contained in a cable dated 19 January 2018. Over a year later, in June 2019, the CDC conducted an inspection of Fort Detrick’s U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (hereinafter “USAMRIID”) and ordered it closed after alleging that their inspection found biosafety hazards. A report in the journal Nature in 2003 (423(6936): 103) reported cooperation between CDC and USAMRIID on coronavirus research followed by considerable subsequent collaboration. The CDC, for what appear to be the same type of concern identified in Wuhan, elected to continue work with the Chinese government while closing the U.S. Army facility.

Reportedly, on December 31, 2019, the Chinese government informed the World Health Organization (WHO) that a number of cases of suspected coronavirus-associated SARS cases were being treated in the area of Wuhan.  The CDC reported the first case of SARS-CoV like illness in the United States in January 2020 with the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service reporting 650 clinical cases and 210 tests. Given that the suspected  pathogen was first implicated in official reports on December 31, 2019, one can only conclude that CDC: a) had the mechanism and wherewithal to conduct tests to confirm the existence of a “novel coronavirus”; or, b) did not have said mechanism and falsely reported the information in January. It tests credulity to suggest that the WHO or the CDC could manufacture and distribute tests for a “novel” pathogen when their own subsequent record on development and deployment of tests has been shown to be without reliability.

Notwithstanding, the CDC and WHO elected to commit to a narrative of a novel coronavirus – exhibiting properties that were anticipated in the U.S. Patent 7,618,802 issued to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s Ralph Baric – and, in the absence of testing protocols, elected to insist that SARS-CoV-2 was the pathogen responsible for conditions that were consistent with moderate to severe acute respiratory syndrome. 

On March 4, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsome appears to have violated the law of the State of California by issuing Executive Order N-33-20 based on the “threat of COVID-19” with no evidence that such threat existed as confirmed by serology or confirmed immunologic evidence.  The Government Code sections cited in the Order (Government Code sections 8567, 8627, and 8665) require that criteria be met which do not include the “threat” of any condition but evidence of said condition. At that time, neither the CDC nor the WHO had sufficient testing in place to: a) confirm and isolate “a novel coronavirus” from other coronaviruses; b) California did not have pathology data to suggest that an epidemic was imminent; and, c) the rest of the United States was equally incapable of making any such assessment as a result of the aforementioned conspiring parties actions.  Governor Newsome’s Executive Order, followed by numerous other similar orders, all are based on the threat of a thing that may or may not exist.

Around March 12, 2020, in an effort to enrich their own economic interests by way of securing additional funding from both Federal and Foundation actors, the CDC and NIAID’s Dr Fauci elected to suspend testing and classify COVID-19 by capricious symptom presentation alone.  Not surprisingly, this was necessitated by the apparent fall in cases that constituted Dr. Fauci’s and others’ criteria for depriving citizens of their 1st Amendment rights.  At present, the standard according to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Interim-20-ID-01 for COVID-19 classification is:

In outpatient or telehealth settings at least two of the following symptoms: fever (measured or subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new olfactory and taste disorder(s)


at least one of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing OR Severe respiratory illness with at least one of the following:
• Clinical or radiographic evidence of pneumonia, or
• Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
AND No alternative more likely diagnosis

Laboratory Criteria for Reporting
● Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test.
● Detection of specific antigen in a clinical specimen.
● Detection of specific antibody in serum, plasma, or whole blood indicative of a new or recent infection.* *serologic methods for diagnosis are currently being defined

After inflicting grave harm to the citizens of the United States of America in economic hardships resulting from their allegation of an “epidemic” or “pandemic”, the CDC and the NIAID set forth, and the President of the United States and various Governors in the respective States promulgated, standards for lifting conditions in violation of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution that serve exclusively to enrich them.  Both the presence of a vaccine or treatment and, or, the development of testing – both that solely benefit the possible conspiring parties and their co-conspirators – are set as a condition for re-opening the country. This appears to be an unambiguous violation of the Sherman Act and, if so, should be prosecuted immediately to the full extent of the law.

Additional information is available upon request.

Submitted this 22nd of April, 2020

Dr. David E. Martin – all Whistleblower Rights and Protections Reserved

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Small Business Indenture Act (COVID-19 to enrich Life Insurers and Banks) of 2020


When the U.S. Congressional Pujo Committee investigated the conspiracy of interlocking directorates (the fact that multiple corporate boards were made up of the same people across multiple industries including ones with conflicts of interest) in 1912 and 1913, they realized that, in the decades following the Civil War, the United States had become effectively controlled (through its monetary system) by a few life insurance and banking interests. 
The mechanisms were very transparent.  Wages were set to be barely sufficient to motivate persistence of labor.  Not surprisingly, the knowledge of labor costs was shared by, you guessed it, directors who got inside knowledge of each other’s businesses and could thereby control the labor supply.  Consumption was encouraged to keep people addicted to whatever was “new” or “modern”.  And all of this was an elaborate scheme concocted to enrich the life insurance industry and their capital beneficiaries – banks. 
And why do I call them beneficiaries?  Simple.  The principal beneficiary of the life insurance payout in the rare instance that happens is the banks who hold unpaid debt – both consumer credit and mortgages.  To this day, have you ever wondered why purchasing a home often involves the usurious practice of also buying Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)?  That’s because the real beneficiary of your home purchase is the: a) bank that creates your debt asset; and, b) the insurer who seldom, if ever, pays out.
To keep it simple – here’s how the scam worked then AND WORKS NOW!
1.     Keep people paid just at the margin of ‘enough’ but encourage them to live just a little beyond their means to ensure that indebtedness was persistent and would incentivize indentured obligations;
2.     Encourage credit - particularly in mortgages – by incentivizing ‘home ownership’ for the purpose of manufacturing debt ‘assets’ for banks;
3.     Sell life insurance to settle indebtedness in death never telling the public how much present value was lost in meeting actuarial obligations in death; and,
4.     Set the maturity of life insurance to lead many people to buy products that never would pay out in death (term policies).
In my film, American R/evolution ( – a two hour history of the death denominated U.S. economy - I discuss the thinly veiled control that life insurance has had on our country since the Civil War. 
So, as I was musing about who might be benefiting from the charade playing out before us now and in which we are all thought to be simpletons, I wondered how much has changed. 
“Why not,” I thought, “read House Resolution 6312 recently introduced by Congress entitled the “COVID–19 Relief for Small Businesses Act of 2020”.  Heralded as a landmark rescue package for the businesses that employ an estimated 90% of America, this $350 billion out of the $2 trillion package (yes, you should pause and think about how horrific the mismatch ratio is), I was optimistic that I’d see the best interest of Small Business as the leading priority.
Then came the bad news. 
Before payroll for small business is even mentioned, the real beneficiaries are named.  Have a look for yourself.  The $350 billion bailout is so that:
1.     banks can get their loans repaid; and,
2.      life insurers can keep getting their premiums. 
See for yourself!  Paying wages is the third priority. 
Where were any of the real or fake news outlets when they were fawning over this bill?  That’s right.  NOT READING IT! Your tax dollars are being spent on yet another banking and life insurance protection racket!
2d Session

H. R. 6312
To provide relief from COVID–19 for small business concerns, and for other purposes.

March 19, 2020
Ms. VelĂ¡zquez introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Small Business

To provide relief from COVID–19 for small business concerns, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “COVID–19 Relief for Small Businesses Act of 2020”.

(a) In General.—The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall carry out a program to make loans directly to eligible borrowers.
(b) Eligible Borrower Defined.—In this section, the term “eligible borrower” means a person who—
(1) is a small business concern as defined under section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632); and
(2) is located in a State or territory of the United States with a confirmed or presumed positive case of COVID–19.
(c) Use Of Funds.—In addition to the use of proceeds currently permitted under section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)), loans made under this section may be used for the following purposes:
(1) To make periodic payments of principal and interest, for a period not to exceed 12 months, on a loan or a loan guarantee made to an eligible borrower that meets the eligibility standards of such section 7(a).
(2) To provide benefits to employees of the eligible borrower, including group life insurance, disability insurance, sick leave, annual leave, educational benefits, paid family leave, or retirement benefits (including a pension plan or IRA).
(3) To pay wages to employees of the eligible borrower, and related State and Federal payroll taxes, except that loan proceeds may not be used to pay amounts under a garnishment order issued by an agency of a State or Federal Government.

People, this is NOT acceptable.  With the Fed making trillions available for bank liquidity, with small business preserved so that they can keep paying loans and life insurance – when will the complicity of this end?

Since I recently learned that footnotes are not accessed by most readers, here’s some information that you might like to see from the industry that needs your taxpayer bailout.  Have a good look.  These unfortunate firms reported:

“2018 net income after taxes for the life/annuity insurance industry fell 10.0 percent to $37.9 billion, from $42.1 billion in 2017. Net income before capital gains fell 15.8 percent in 2018, and a net realized capital gains loss of $4.7 billion contributed to lower net income. Premiums and annuity considerations rose slightly in 2018, up 1.3 percent from 2017, as annuity premiums and deposits fell 6.1 percent. Expenses grew by 10.8 percent in 2018 following a drop in 2017. Capital and surplus rose to $400.0 billion in 2018.”

While you watch governors and Presidents around the world breathlessly recite death counts from the scourge that besets us that is credited with 10% of the normal pneumonia deaths reported during the same period; when you see that the only data supporting social-distancing are computer models that were off by an order of magnitude just one week ago; and when, god-forbid, you look at the Center for Responsive Politics data that shows that one lobbying firm (and only one of their lobbyists) is engaged by 55 clients including most of the major life insurers, bio-tech pharmaceutical companies, and non-profits that include CDC Foundation partners, don’t think for a moment that the branding of COVID-19 is for your health’s sake!

Be informed:

And share this information with a public that is playing into the Kabuki Theatre that will end up with nothing but destruction!


Friday, March 27, 2020

Wrong Diagnosis = Wrong Cure... it's not COVID-19


I’m writing this from the vantage point of the U.S. medical services industry (please note, I’m not falling for the “healthcare” BS).  I’m sick and tired of the constant drumbeat of sob stories about ventilators, gowns, and facemasks.  Too few hospital beds.  Scarcity running amok!

Now mind you, I’m by no means suggesting that hardworking doctors, nurses, EMTs, and staff within the medical field are in fact facing disproportionate burdens courtesy of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and that some of these burdens include equipment shortfalls. 

But this is not because of a virus.  This is part of a complex medical supply industry problem that seeks to maximize billable dollars (and, as a result, profits) while failing to consider preparation for health crises.  Medical professionals are suffering from an industrial model that seeks to supply high margin products for maximum profit – not for health of patient or staff.  This is made worse by the reality that, in the U.S., nearly 1/3 of all expenditures are directed to hospitals[1] – the very location least equipped to respond to large scale infections.

In one of the few moments that I agree with President Donald Trump, he’s absolutely correct in calling for restraint on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s insistence on needing “30,000” ventilators.  Governors Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsome have both blindly led the country in recklessly relying upon (and then failing to adjust to the retraction of) UK’s Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson’s 2006 influenza model published in Nature[2] which set in motion panic-inducing estimates of morbidity and mortality that were baseless.  None of the assumptions on Ferguson’s model have been validated in any transmissible disease and have been categorically disproven in his computer simulation of Pandemic.

There are too many points for me to make in this post but I want to make two.

First, if you’re serious about the plight of the medical staff, stop blaming the virus for material shortages.  With price gouging collusion between suppliers, hospitals, and, most egregiously health insurance companies, there are insufficient supplies in this moment.  MBAs from America’s leading institutions advocate for just-in-time manufacturing, logistics, procurement, and use.  Guess what!  THEY GOT IT WRONG.  Just-in-time got wobbly when Chinese factories shut down in January but none of them got the hint that maybe, a national stockpile of masks, gowns, and gloves would be prudent. 

Motley Fool published a summary of the top health insurance companies in 2019[3] – remember, before the “crisis”.  These charities racked up $454 billion with a ‘medical cost ratio’ of 84%.  And hospitals – you know, the ones who can’t buy masks and gloves – they have seen their profits soar over 27% since 2013.  When you hear about failures to have beds, ventilators, masks, and gowns, ask yourself if any of HCA’s record-breaking revenue could have been directed to preparedness.

In America, we’ve built a system where we have placed inordinate reliance on hospitals as points of care and, while ludicrously profitable with health insurance and medical supply industry collusion, our short term, just-in-time business models have enriched investors and bitten us in our collective respiratory tracts (in this case).

At no point will you hear Governors nor the President point out that it was the business model of medical service delivery – not the virus – that rendered us impotent with the patient onslaught.  And if public officials and medical professionals had thoughtfully critiqued the bullshit science of Imperial College, they wouldn’t have had the run on hospitals that – are you ready for this – overrun hospitals!!!  I’ll tell you I told you so down the road but, here goes… We won’t fix our broken for-profit medical cabal in the wake of SARS-CoV-2 – we’ll make it less effective… and more profitable to the speculators who prey on a populace that stays indoors, eats crap, and goes to the ER when their diseases alarm.

Second, watch out for this…

In a few weeks, we’ll start slapping ourselves on our collective backs with the ridiculous narrative that “social distancing” worked.  It didn’t.  The pandemic model was wrong.  It was wrong when it was promoted, the interventions were draconian and ill informed, the economic devastation is lasting, and we’ll be told that we suffered for the common good. 

Like every other forecast apocalypse, we are using simplistic models of complexity to identify problems, and then, when the sky doesn’t fall, we take credit for that which had nothing to do with our reflexive behavior.

I’ve been an outspoken critic of predictive mathematical modeling for my entire professional life.  It’s flawed in its teaching, implementation, and interpretation.  Tragically, we’ve associated math with intelligence but I heartily commend your reading of my diatribes on the eugenics-inspired “intelligence” obsession that we have in our society.[4]  Suffice it to say that we use numbers – large or precise (and in some cases both) – to bamboozle the public into thinking that someone checked.  Tragically, no one did.  We’re not near an apex of disease – we’re just getting more people tested.  New York’s 23,000 hospital beds are not laden with COVID-19.  In fact, less than 10% are currently conscripted to the coronavirus.  And while there’s no question that this SARS outbreak has tragically cost the lives and livelihoods of many, the thousands of mortalities have not equivalently mattered when it’s other all-cause mortalities at stake.  But what we’ve done as a society to destroy livelihoods of the present workforce and the unaccounted disruption to the education of generation is incalculable.

We’ve just trained a billion school-aged children that fear justifies panic which results in social distancing.  Do you really think a generation addicted to iPhones, SnapChat, and TikTok needed to learn that lesson more?  In a world where our most complex challenges require natural intelligence – the capacity to discern reality and adapt within it – we’ve relied on eugenics artificial intelligence which seeks to simplify complexity into binary code. 

This won’t be the last time politicians and their patrons decide to pull this stunt.  This may be the last time that it occurs without them also disrupting the electronic communications grid which will simply reify our acquiescence to their power… unless we choose a different path.

[1] Andrea M. Sisko and others, “National Health Expenditure Projections, 2018–27: Economic and Demographic Trends Drive Spending and Enrollment Growth,” Health Affairs 38 (3) (2019).

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Step 3 Error – the Coronavirus is Our Behaviour


Some of you remember school  lessons on the Scientific Method – you know, the catechism that replaced the anachronism called religion, myth and belief!  In it, we were told that, to access ‘truth’, we needed to:

Step 1                  Construct a Theory or Purpose;
Step 2                  Formulate a Hypothesis;
Step 3                  Collect Data and Test the Hypothesis;
Step 4                  Analyze the Data;
Step 5                  Draw Conclusions; and,
Step 6                  Communicate the Conclusions for Critique or Consumption.

While we’ve enjoyed the low grade fever of ‘climate change’ expertise masquerading under the guise of ‘science’ for years, the recent coronavirus alleged pandemic is the latest in a monotonous hypnotic drone of faux crises that demonstrate our abject failure to comply with our own illusion.  And while real economic and social harm is being orchestrated by police-state interventions under the broad reaching guise of ‘public health’, what we know is that we don’t know enough to place this in the hands of ‘scientists’ based on their and our own contempt for the basis of the scientific method. 

We’ve jumped from Step 1 to Steps 5 and 6 with abject contempt for that which we state to adjudicate ‘science’.  And while I’m deeply sympathetic to the hundreds of thousands of health care workers, public health agencies, and others who are activated to support the charade, at some point, we have to call bullshit on this farce.

Step 1 – Our theory:  A Novel Virus…

SARS-CoV-2 is not “a virus” at all.  By this, I mean that virologist Christian Drosten’s genetic sequencing of the virus taken from a German who was infected in Italy and published on February 28, 2020, showed that there were numerous ‘mutations’ “not seen in early sequences from China.”  (  When Laura Gillim-Ross and her colleagues at Diagnostic Hybrids, Inc (Athens, OH) first patented a SARS-cornoavirus detection technology on November 3, 2003, they made explicit reference to the fact that the SARS-CoV had numerous variants (U.S. Patent 7,129,042).  For those of you not prone to counting, this patent on a diagnostic kit was filed 17 years ago.  Now owned by Quidel (Nasdaq: QDEL), the data disclosed on their patent filings make it abundantly clear that SARS-CoV defies novelty by constantly and substantially mutating.  The consensus from the over 100 gene sequences taken from real patients shows that there are several strains of the current ‘outbreak’ proving that the suggestion that we’ve got novelty is an illusion at best.

Step 2 – Formulate a hypothesis:  It’s the Wuhan (a foreign) Virus

While there’s every reason to assume – based on the sketchy reporting and misleading media – that the severity of this coronavirus expression tragically took a massive toll on the Hubei Province in China (the full extent of which we will never know), one cannot pinpoint a source in an environment in which testing is not performed.  We do not know how many cases of fatal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus have been undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as we have not been testing for it!  That China – albeit, too late – admitted to having the problem doesn’t confer upon it a point of origin.  That it was isolated is based on observational testing – something that the rest of the world has not been prone to do.  Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli is to be commended for studying bats and bat guano laden caves thereby isolating numerous variants of coronavirus.  (She should also be heeded as she has warned of many more that haven’t made the human jump…yet!).  And let’s be clear – bats appear to be a rather compelling indicator of coronavirus load ( so obviously we should pre-emptively cancel American baseball…forever!

Step 3 – Collect data and test the hypothesis

And this is where we have indicted our complete contempt for the very science we revere!  We’re not collecting data in part because, in the 17 years since the tests have been patented, we just haven’t given a shit.  That was until the affluent, cruise-ship-going, senior citizens upon whom the incumbent power structure depends started getting sick.  And then, all hell breaks loose…almost.  We still aren’t testing a population in a sufficient manner to calculate an infection rate, morbidity rate, or mortality rate.  Yet foolish politicians are collapsing markets, crushing small businesses, disrupting education, cancelling normal activities without a shred of evidence that we know what we’re accomplishing.  The best news is, that when we find out that this was a fire drill for mass media fueled sociological modeling of fear based control, social media, the media, and politicians will have a perfect model of the propagation of insanity so they can use it again.

The data that is being collected is YOU!  Your fears, your behavior, your willingness to be herded into the sheep abattoir!  Think I’m wrong?  Well here’s a challenge.  Find a single evidence-based argument that includes a challenge to the three first steps in the scientific method being used to base ANY RECOMMENDATION coming from ANY GOVERNMENT!  There are none!

You are not going to get the coronavirus.  Statistically speaking, regardless of any pandemic model, I’m correct.  Now YOU might be the outlier.  But since we don’t know that which is knowable, it’s far more likely that this is nothing more than a check on the degree to which our behavior has been hybridized into social media fueled madness.  And that, my friends, is a virus that has infected far too many. 

So, wash your hands.  If you've got a bug, rest and take care of yourself away from others.  And if you have bats around, STOP petting them!
